Button painting tutorial


Quick updates

This has been a perfect block to tote about but it is very slow going.  I did get moldings  door and shutters done plus lots of flowers.  I find I'm happier if I put in all the blooms and then go back in and add the greenery...

But I took out the bridge and the pond.. Had a tiny new bridge and mislaid it.

It didn't seem like a lot of progress but when I place it by the last photo the newest work does show  up...

I'm trying to keep my work on my January CQJP2013 at a pace with my CQ classes...  Today is devoted to seams but we will be doing NO stitching...  I think I found the solution to the teaching problem of difference levels of comprehension and ability..


  1. Is that cottage for rent?
    I want to live there ;D

  2. Are you going to share the secret with us?

  3. a most beautiful cottage, trying to picture what size it is, think it is only tiny am I right? If so it must be so very fiddly to do, miniature I find so very hard, have given up on tiny.

  4. I liked the pond and bridge - it made me want to wander in the garden so I'm waiting to see the new bridge. Hope you find it soon. I'd be chomping at the bit to get at stitching on my block in your class. What was your secret discovery?
