Button painting tutorial


Another old RR ready to mount

The only thing I changed on this block was the brown bead trail which I replaced as closely as possible with a pearl bead trail.. Everything else on this block is exquisite and I would not touch a single stitch...

I had trouble this morning with lighting... The block is not so grey. In reality it is very creamy.
Before and after

The above block is from that same RR and was also a resounding success. Of course if it were mine, the lavender beads would be gone... But you must notice the resplendent treatment in the patch lower right..  Aren't those ribbon roses spectacular?  And as usual if there is a bird, I probably stitched it.... upper right with the floral spray.  Some champaign/beige elements had been added by the time it got to me so I added some also.

Even though each RR has the same 5 stitchers and in this case, the same background color,   not every block is always successful.  I always feel that has to do with what is done by the first stitcher..


  1. The block is truly lovely. One of these days I'm going to succeed at making something pastel (sigh).

  2. Beutiful Block!!!!!! Love all the detail and stitching. I just started working with ecru & cream over the past couple months and really enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

  3. oh I remember this rr all too well. I loved it. I have the finished block on my wall and enjoy looking at it. it even was in a quilt exhibition. I was the one doing the brown bead trail, couldn't get my hands on the right colors.
    as far as I remember, I started the bottom block. did the R in the middle and the Fuchsia's at the left plus some lace. I agree with you that those roses at the bottom are gorgeous. wish I could make such stunning ribbon roses.
