Button painting tutorial


Lace Cottage

Today I have an absolutely, totally delicious day all to myself and have tons of things I should be doing but have already spent about an hour playing with Lorraine's newest CQJP in photoshop...fun fun fun.. Since I will be focusing mainly on the Morris blocks and suffrage blocks, I needed a smaller block for a change of pace and lighter colors.. I went through my WIP basket and found two and I settled on "Lace Cottage."

I started this a couple years ago at least...maybe three.  I sketched the cottage on silk with black ink and put a light colored wash on with alcohol inks...  I had intended it for use on a bag but when I got to this point I could see that it would be entirely too fragile and stopped working on it.... The lace on the cottage wall was a fragment of very, very old lace...damaged but too exquisite to throw away.

It would be a good block to tote about because it is mostly french knots and could be done anywhere.....I always need a totable block because I spend so much of my days waiting for something or someone.  But I see a few design things to change right off... The door is too small and the walk is weird...it looks like a ramp to the front door (or maybe a long brown tongue)....both fixable.   Now I can see it as a wall hanging and doing the border in laces and pearls blocks would be a great CQJP project next year and a real change of pace...

I need to be doing non-moving tasks today as yesterday my helper was here and I overdid it.  My whole body aches today.   This section of our road is the worst in the winter because if we have a south wind AND snow, it drifts against the bushes about 3 to 4 feet deep.  So we're putting up  fence to support snow fencing and hopefully that will help....

Now that I've played on the computer another hour doing this post I REALLY have to do bills and paint buttons.  Tomorrow I will show you what my second choice for a WIP project was.....


  1. Gerry, Your cottage is outstanding!!! Hugs, Maire

  2. Я очарована вашим домиком! Очень красиво!

  3. I remember Lace Cottage very well! It's great to see her resurrected. I hope you feel better after a day with the needle and brush. And your snow fence is a capital idea...hope it holds those banks at bay! xo Susan

  4. how beautiful! this house is like a dream!You are a great Master!

  5. I adore your lace cottage - really delightful and an imaginative way to use laces, trims etc. Would that be my block you've been playing with in Photoshop or another L? Hurry up and share......

  6. You could always say the path is more like a bridge over a moat going to the cottage...its your cottage, you can have a moat if you want too (grin). We see lots of snow fences up here. Last year wasn't too bad for snow but the year before even they were covered. A repeat of last year would be just fine with me. We're in Edmonton this weekend babysitting the grand kids so our son and DIL can attend a wedding in Turtleford, Saskatchewan. Love the name.

  7. Love the cottage! Reminds me of my stay in England. Also fascinating to my sleeping interest in dollhouse. Wonderful fantasy! Barb Warner

  8. What a lovely cottage! And so creative! Love the lace on the roof!

  9. Your cottage is amazing!! Very very like it! Greetings from Poland ! Aszka. www.firuraszkiaszki.blogspot.com

  10. Gerry, your lace cottage is gorgeous!!! What a treasure.

    Judy in MS

  11. Fantastyczny pomysł i wykonanie. Pozdrawiam z Polski :o) Ala
