Button painting tutorial


The "Before" picture of my funky front garden.

All summer I've had help on Thursday mornings and exceptional help at that..  Scott works hard, is intelligent and does what I want done...no matter what.  He only comes for 3 hours once a week but the list of what we've accomplished this summer is huge. We've put up new fence where needed, taken down unneeded fence, dismantled lambing pens and sheep shelters, sprayed, weeded, transplanted, pruned, raccoon proofed the chicken house, built the porch railing and dismantled the old lath rose area...and that just names  part of the list...

Now we begin something I never dreamt we'd get to this year... my front garden...which is a disaster.  When the main garden was in it's heyday and was open to the public, I had nothing planted here near the house for security reasons.. When I started this small bed by the door I surrounded it with a precious 2' picket fence... which the UPS and snow plows destroyed TWICE.  Then I surrounded it with a 2' wire fence to keep the rabbits out but it too has been mangled..

So the problem...  I need a fence to keep the rabbits out... but it also has to be tall enough for people (including the UPS truck) to see in their rear view mirrors when they turn around but not too tall or it would overwhelm this small garden. It has to be FREE because I can't spend any money on it.. And it has to be sturdy enough to withstand an occasional person backing into it.. which they will.

Luckily I have this pile of wood left from things we dismantled this summer..  Most of it I'll cut up for fire wood but there's plenty to choose from to build a fence.  We've already pulled all the 4x4s from the pile.

The little garden is already funky with odd treasures I've gathered in from the larger garden but there is still a lot out there....bedsteads, farm equipment, yard art, plus tons of other fun rusty junk... I'll gather in even more stuff.. I just love anything covered with rust, moss, or aged to a silvery grey.

I'm even hoping we can get to the rock wall at the back of it which needs to be redone.  We should have at least 4-5 more weeks of weather decent enough to work outside.  He even may be able to spare me a few more hours also...maybe

I should add I'm not the easiest woman for a man to work for... when I want something done it's not open for discussion.... Not only do I want it done..... I want it done my way...


  1. I like the idea of using old bits and pieces for your garden fence. I'll be looking forward to seeing the pix. You and Scott have accomplished a lot this summer. Hope the weather holds for you.

  2. Hi Ger! Woo hoo, I can't wait to see the photos of your front garden when it's all done--or perhaps in person--this is exciting. I'm so glad you found someone to help you with all these things--just super! :-) Big hug, Simi
