Button painting tutorial


"I'll put it somewhere safe!" ..Sound familiar?

I'm always looking for something.. sometimes several somethings.  I know they're not lost because "I put them somewhere safe."  A couple weeks ago I actually was NOT looking for something.  It was such a rare occasion that I had to tell all my friends... Well it didn't last long.

Remember the antique brass door knobs I used as finials on two of the posts of my new railing....  ( I didn't show you how gorgeous they were when I polished them...).  I had two more knobs for the upper posts.

The upper posts were  6x6 and I had to order the black caps for them online. While I was waiting for the caps to come in the mail I wanted to put the other knobs "somewhere safe where I would remember them." and I did but I forgot....  So after the caps came I spent days and days searching for the knobs... Today I accidentally almost burned a batch of sour cream rolls and all that sugar made a mess of my baking sheet.  When I went back under the kitchen sink to get a super scrubber there were the knobs... I had put them in a ziplock bag and attached them with a rubber band to the can of "Brasso" cleaner.

What can I say...it seemed perfectly logical at the time.  So the lost is found except now I can't find the two wood caps that will hold the knobs............  Sigh.........................


  1. I find myself doing this more and more often...

  2. OMG, Gerry! I'm so feeling your pain. I put away some sweet little fruit dishes one time and it took me two years of looking to find them! Now, I'm searching for two needle safes that I set aside. You've got it...they're lost again. sigh
    Thanks for sharing your "affliction". It's good to know I'm not the only one.

  3. Whoever finds that black hole in the universe that is a "safe" place to store things is going to be rich beyond imagining!

  4. Good heavens. I have torn my sewing room apart this week because while looking for one thing I found part of a small quilt I had started. I was looking for the rest of it and somehow ended up with an entire sewing room reorganization. I KNOW the rest of that quilt is somewhere! I even have a book that list where I have put things--titled Where Is It? but the small quilt was never entered. Now I'm looking for a lost book. Help! Linda
