Button painting tutorial


Button Bonanza

My box of buttons I purchased on e-bay arrived yesterday...  Imagine my surprise when I opened it and bundles of carded buttons are wrapped in   tissue  and tied with lace bows. At the bottom of the box is a large 5# bag of loose buttons and immediately I can see many are unique and vintage... Right on top is a large MOP like the ones I'm always looking for.

It is much too exciting to go through alone so I have left everything unopened and invited a friend over this afternoon to help me sort through the loose ones and open all the packages...  What fun..


  1. Oh, how fun!!!! Don't you just love buying a bunch of goodies at once and going through the bunch slowly. ; )
    Have a great day!

  2. A friend to share the excitement of a great find (or buy) is the best thing. :)

  3. WOW who is a lucky lady - this button lover is drooling on the keyboard you are not nice posting photos likes this.

  4. I have a serious case of button envy! One of my favourite rainy day things when I was a kid was to get out the button box and sort through them all...and I'm still the same. I have 13 quart canning jars and 2 - 2-quart ones full of buttons sorted by colour on the top of my computer desk so I can see all the pretty colours and shapes.

  5. I have a serious case of button envy! One of my favourite rainy day things when I was a kid was to get out the button box and sort through them all...and I'm still the same. I have 13 quart canning jars and 2 - 2-quart ones full of buttons sorted by colour on the top of my computer desk so I can see all the pretty colours and shapes.

  6. TREASURES indeed!! Just love the feel of buttons!!

  7. I am SO glad it worked out! And I now exactly the oohs and aaahs you're talking about. My Mom used to help me sort buttons and we'd have so much fun.
