Button painting tutorial


New Project and Bad News!

Now that the peacock is finished I want to tuck in a small but long delayed project.... my little needle book for Susan Elliott's class.  I wanted to use this lovely stripe for the lining and not all of the felt I ordered from Susan worked with it so I ordered a piece called "cinnamon" from another vendor to add to it. And it took about 12 days to arrive... But it is the perfect color... Also since I want this needle book to be a companion piece to my stitch journal I have gathered lots of laces.  It is a small piece so the laces are very fine..  I'm anxious to get started on it...  Now that was my good news.....

The bad news is Morris tried to make a new friend last night and he came in with a nose and mouth full of quills... I'm only hoping that it was painful enough he will stay clear of the next porcupine...  But since Morris has a propensity to court disaster at least 2 or 3 times in a row, I can only cross my fingers and hope.

Also the next news is mixed....bad because it is officially spring and my daffodils are up.....but good because I am forced to stay indoors and stitch... We had another 4" last night and it is snowing hard this morning.


  1. Gerry: I am so sorry poor Morris collided with the porcupine! Maybe the poor pup will learn his lesson the first time-or at least heal very fast! Amy in LA

  2. Poor Morris! I worked at Lincoln Park zoo, in Chicago, when I was in H.S. and I have been "qilled" oweee!
    goodness! that's alota snow! we haven't had any for a week or so on this side of the mountain,It's just been a heavy misty rain. though Allie looks to be getting some where she is. I hope your tulips will be ok! mine melted away and gave up in disgust last year when we had that late winter snow and freeze.
    on the one hand it's water for the garden on the other hand, well you know!

    Flora in Bothell

  3. I would love to give Morris a gentle kiss on his poor, sore nose. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Suzie in Idaho

  4. Oh, poor Morris! I hope he's learned his lesson in go this time.

  5. Oh Morris...sigh. Its so hard when a fella just has to explore everything. We had 4" of snow here yesterday too and possibly more today. I hope not too much because its a 3 day quilting weekend although we have to go the the city tomorrow to visit the grand babies before they go to the island for a month. My DIL is going out to help her Mom while she recovers from knee replacement surgery.

  6. Poor Morris! Hopefully he will have learned a valuable if somewhat painful lesson. Love the snowy photo!

  7. My first thought when I read about Morris was, "YAY! Another subject for one of your CQJP blocks"!
