Button painting tutorial


Unplanned good happenings.....

First when sorting the coat rack  by the kitchen door I found this little rainbow leash...  I didn't even know I had it and how perfect for my CQJP2012..... Not sure how I will use it but I definitely will figure out something.

Second I have often lamented about finding CQers in Spokane... Well I still haven't but received a surprise email from someone in a neighboring city who is interested in crazy quilting..  She used to be a customer in the days we had the nursery and she took some of my gardening workshops.  I told her if she was willing to drive over I would be glad to help her get started...  Not only is she willing to drive, she has a friend who is also interested.  How great is that?


  1. 2 nice things in one day. Lucky you :). I do envy you finding someone to cq with. This is a rural farm country so anyone who embroiders does practical things like tea towels, etc. I entered some stuff in the fair last year in the hobby category (3 items minimum) and came second to cow skulls painted in blobs in primary colours. So discouraging.

  2. Sounds like rainbows are coming all over out there on Gerry's Acres...Have you checked the skies? Maybe there's one that started on your farm...and that barn is the pot o' gold!!!

    And! You are getting ready to start the Fool's Gold round robin...'cept you're no fool! Happy rainbows...
