Button painting tutorial


Random smiling...

One of the blogs I follow is by artist/designer Jackie Von Tobel and like many of us she is going through life changes requiring critical decisions...  She recently wrote a great post in which she consciously chose to be happy over being miserable.  Sounds like a no-brainer doesn't it, but it's not always that easy... In this quest she is keeping a "Happy List" of things which make her smile... 

Her post gave me food for thought and prompted me to choose "smile" as my 2012 word...

I recently posted  about the 5 things to do daily to live longer, be healthier, be more productive and  be happier...  Laughing was one but smiling also has the same benefits.  So smiling is not only beneficial to me..... if  my smile causes someone else to smile, I am  improving their health so they  live longer, be healthier, be more productive and  be happier..  Such a deal.  I think one of my goals in 2012 will be to do random smiling....

And don't you love that type font...? I just discovered it and it's called "Sloop"  Years ago I bought a CD called "Font Studio 2002" which has 2700 fonts... I am still always discovering ones I had passed over before...  This one is a gem...... look at what it does with my name...


  1. You made my day with this word. I have been a silent reader of many blogs for a few years - yours being one. It has given me reason to smile many times. I will try this year to leave comments now and then so that the bloggers will maybe smile too. That font is wonderful also. Thank you so much for the blog and your wonderful kits that keep me smiling. Carol, Canada

  2. Hi Gerry,
    You have a very infectious smile. In other words, it makes me smile, thank you. I agree with you.. it is a very nice lookin' font. I wish I could see what my name would look like with a capital I. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful CQ and stitching know-how to your blog readers. I hope my comment will be able to go through this time. I've tried to leave comments times before with no luck.
    I would like to wish you a Happy New Year with lots of smiles and much time for stitching.
    Love and Hugs, ~Ing

  3. What a great word for this year. A good word for all of us. And I love the font - it makes me smile too.

  4. Hi Gerry,
    I like you think to give someone the gift of a smile is so simple, to smile and say good morning to someone as you walk through your village might be the only time that person speaks to someone all day, so I intend to smile a lot.

  5. Smile is a great word and something we all need to do more of. Sometimes it is fun to find someone looking grumpy and smile at them. More times than not, they will smile back. Smile it increases face value!

  6. I hold all my laughs and smiles and giggles inside. I may look miserable on the outside but with a good sense of humor can get thru anything.

    You have a beautiful smile.

  7. Looking forward to smiling with you my dear.

  8. That 2012 is of the happiest and most creative for you, a blessing for all your family!

    Beautiful day
