Button painting tutorial


February CQJP and GW1

I put the image on my CQJP for February... and the theme is Morris loves Bugs....which he does..  When he sees an ant or spider crawling along he gets his nose down right behind it and follows it along for some distance and then eats it... In the late spring he is jumping all about trying to catch the little butterflies hatching in the vetch and  in late summer he is doing the same with grasshoppers...  Occasionally he does catch a grasshopper but they must not taste good as he spits it right out.  I've some fun things planned for this block..

Also sketched the Christmas cardinal for Janet and will start couching the gold today... I may be redoing this.  Instead of doing this on felt as I usually do I am doing it on a very heavy silk backed with interfacing from a jacket.  It is beautiful stuff and hope it works.  I will be filling in with maroon red satin satin stitch....I'm also doing fairly small so it may need to be larger...and since it is small I will be using a single fine thread... This what I love about RRs.....they make me work outside the box..............way outside....in fact sometimes I have to build a new box....


  1. What a cute picture of Morris! Puppyhood is so cuddly! I can't wait to see what you do with this block!

  2. Oh goody, another Morris block. You must have published this after I did my morning blog readings yesterday. Morris finds so many joyful things in his life.
