Button painting tutorial


Home, happy, and tired....

Well here is Carole Samples in Wichita and it is me taking the picture.  Besides being an unparalleled resource on crazy-quilt history and seam history, she was sharing, gracious and witty.. and I love her!! She talked almost nonstop for 6 hours both days and never digressed from what she wanted us to learn about her book and templates. 

Sometimes events happen in your life and you don't realize until later how pivotal they were and the effect they had.  ... Like most CQers I've always keep a record of seams that were inspiring and  use them in my work.   But in those 12 hours with Miss Carole I went from copying seams to a mind set of designing  seams...and I knew immediately my life as a crazy quilter had made a dramatic change.   In the past I would open her book and find a seam I liked and find the templates to reproduce it... Now it will be just the reverse... I will FIRST choose templates and then design the seam... I will take you on this journey with me....
Both the workshops with Candace and Allie were great also and will talk about them later....

I can hardly wait to start but need to unpack and recover from the trip.... The trip home was grueling as there were 3 legs (Wichita to Minneapolis to Salt Lake to Spokane) and it took 12 hours total.  Morris was in trouble while I was gone... DH forgot to put the 1/2 gallon bottle of olive oil on a shelf out of Morris's reach...   Morris has coveted that bottle of olive oil for some time and how he is able to drag it about is beyond me as it is half as big as he is... Anyway he got it and drug it from the kitchen pantry into the area of the living room in which he keeps his treasures and chewed the lid off.... DH did his best to clean it up but I believe no matter what I do now I will have to get an area rug to hide the stain. And I woke up to snow!!!!


  1. Hi Gerry

    Carol is wonderful. I was fortunate to take a 3 day class with her in Chicago years ago before she developed her seam treatment tools. We exchange notes occasionally and her writing is such a delight to receive.

    I must tell you that I should be feeling sorry for you and the oil mess but I get such a kick out of Morris and the way he drags things around. I showed Harv when he made the big pile of cusions when you were out and we both laughed at it.



  2. Poor Morris, Poor Carpet. Poor Husband that should have been watching that rascal more closely!! Sorry Gerry, but the image of Morris coveting the bottle, then finding a way to get it, then dragging it to his treasure place gives me a moment to smile!

  3. Oh, Morris! He's probably thinking that's what you get for leaving him again.

    So glad you're back.

  4. Welcome home Gerry. Life would be so boring without Morris...I guess he's feeling better. Poor DH...and after his accident last week too.

    Well...it's a good thing you're all back together to settle in to a normal routine for winter. I'm eager to hear about your trip. I would love to have come. And already I appreciate the tip about Carole Samples and picking out the template first and then designing your own seam treatment. That takes some of the mystique out of using those templates. I've been like you and only used one or two cuz I'm not sure what to do with the rest. I would have loved to hear her lecture too...OK, I'll stop fawning and be patient and wait for you to rest up so you can tell us the rest...xo Susan

  5. Oh my, I am sorry you were faced with such a thing when you arrived home. The things my dogs have done on the rug is nothing in comparison to the olive oil mess. I have always heard olive oil is a good hair conditioner.....maybe Morris was just trying to have his fur looking nice for your homecoming. Gotta love 'em they hold our hearts in their paws.
