Button painting tutorial


First and Last

I worked on the photos yesterday for the suffrage quilt and will print them today... As I sat down   this morning to do a little stitching, I realized that this will be my first and last large CQ piece...  As committed as I am to the theme and love the fabrics, trims, etc I am tired of looking at it and yearn for color .. Sometime I think it's my age that I want to do as many different things as possible in the time I have left and sometimes I think it's a major character flaw that I cannot commit to a long term project.

But for whatever reason I started thinking about the block I made last February using Allie's "Chunk Method" which she said was inspired by Martha Green.. I was going to work on it in Sharon Boggon's class but I wasn't used to so many small patches in a block..... I wrote about it last February.  Since I NEVER waste a block once made, I've decided to take it to Carole Samples class next month to use for geometric seams...

And just so you know that it is not ALL fun and games while DH is gone I do have the "HOLE"...  This water pump by the pasture is leaking and cannot be repaired due to it's age....  It needs to be dug out...  I had planned to hire Will to do it but he is working two jobs and the ground could be frozen before DH gets home...soooooooooooooooo...  It will probably be about 4 feet down...  I started one day and a friend helped me another and I will dig on it some each day that it's not raining... It's   now  too deep to shovel..  it is the post hole digger the rest of the way...


  1. I wish I lived close enough to help dig your hole. I feel badly- you doing it all yourself.
    Also, how do you find out about classes with Carole Samples? I would love to take a class with her- she is such a lovely lady. Jane in MO

  2. I completely know what you mean about getting tired of a project. I'm about ready to be done with Tiffany blue! But the problem is my "large" projects are quite small...If I were to do a whole quilt...lordy....I'll be lucky to get one done by the time I'm 70...

    Love your go-gettum attitude with the tractor and the hole....Where there's not a Will, there's a way....

  3. Oh my kindred spirit! I too am challanged when it comes to a large project. No attention span or a small one at best.
    The post hole diggers fit my hands as well. I once dug up a waterline in the front yard. A friend of ours drove by and told me not to move....he was going to get his wife! Love what Susan said about where there is not a Will...You go girlie! I like your spunk!

  4. Been there, done that with the pumps. We have 5 of them around our property. I don't envy you the digging one bit. Yuck.

    I know what you mean about getting things done... I feel this overwhelming urge to hurry up and make a bunch of stuff to leave behind some remnants of me for future generations. I guess I feel that way because I wish my ancestors left behind some more things than they did for me.

    Question is...will the future generations even care? And then that makes me start feeling depressed. And then that is where the colors come in...

    I wondered what became of that Morocco/orange building/bicycle thing...I love it.
