Button painting tutorial


A Little Trickery of the Eye.....

I have these two stones  in bezels placed on the bag... Their placement is dictated by their function.... hiding seam junctions.. a 4 seam junction on the left and a 3 seam junction on the right.  They look like 2 fried eggs staring at me...  One needs to be bigger or one needs to be smaller and I like them both...  I cannot change the size of the one on the left as it just barely covered all the adjoining seams... So something should happen to the one on the right.  I could enlarge it with ruching or ruffles or.................... but a little trickery.is called for....

When you want one thing to seem smaller and can't change it, make another thing seem bigger. Since I don't want to actually add to the crocheted medallion I will treat that whole area as a unit  and fill in accordingly.. The medallion on the right becomes part of the crocheted pieces which frame the rose spray which is becoming the focal point.   I will add some small blue flowers and some buttons to it... (See inspiration which is the focal tapestry for the bag... lower left corner) Even now (to me at least) the medallion on the left is less significant.

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