Button painting tutorial



I'm all packed for the big CQ adventure and hopefully I will have all I need but certainly I can get by with what I have....and still have enough to share with others ... I'm going out this morning to pick up a couple items at a drugstore, get cash at the bank and to get a PEDICURE..(a rare treat for me).. My carry-on is filled with my painted buttons and important blocks and my suitcase has more stash than clothes... I deactivated all items on Etsy but be sure and watch for new listings around the middle of the month... Unlike Sharon Boggon I do not have posts done ahead so you'll just have to remember to come back when I start posting again mid month. I've been so excited for so long about this trip and can hardly wait to have Cathy Kizerian join me on the plane in Salt Lake for the last 2 legs of the journey... I will be seeing dear friends I haven't seen in a couple years, making new friends, and finally seeing in person longtime online friends. It's like going off to camp when you were a kid!!! The anticipation is delicious... The only down side is we have to leave the house at 4:30 am.....


  1. All the best wishes for your trip. I know you will have the best time!

  2. I hope you girls have a wonderful time and when you get home your sides and cheeks hurt from laughing so much!

  3. See you there! Have a good flight.

  4. have a wonderful time. What fun to meet on line friends! Enjoy. Will be watching for your return. Suzie in Idaho

  5. Have a ball as I know you will ..... can hardly wait for the reports and photos!!

  6. Lucky you!!Have a wonderful time.Your excitement is evident in your post.Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

  7. See you Thursday Nu Mom

    I am leaving here Wednesday, my plane is at 10:30 Thursday. Since I-70 will be close (AGAIN)I have a 6 1/2 hour drive before I even get to the airport
    I'm bring my romance blocks for you to look at
    Now we can catch up!!

  8. Hi Gerry, Yesterday I discovered your blog and I have had so much fun. Thank you for all of the information, comments, recipes...etc. And for "life with a husband in retirement."
    I found a link to your blog while hunting for new embroidery and other needlework ideas. My creative juices are flowing. And I want to learn more. Three techniques I am interested in are wool, applique and embroidery.I have been a sewer all my life and love handwork. I have done smocking, embroidery and more. You have given me so many ideas and I am excited and eager to begin. Do you have any suggestions on books that would be helpful.helenluce@cfl.rr.com and I'll check back. thanks, Helen
