Button painting tutorial


Randy Andy and the Ethiopians

And what's not to love... It's hard to believe that as a lamb he was so timid and when someone said "Boo!" he ran to hide behind me... Of course since then I learned the you never make a pet of a ram lamb as they'll never take you seriously..

Once all that testosterone kicked in I never turned my back on him because he'd lower his head and knock me down... and what does he do when I'm down... he runs over and nuzzles my hair and expects his chin scratched.... To him it's all a game... He's so heavy now that he can push me over by leaning against me to get his ears scratched.

But last week he really scared me... I put him in a small gated area while I moved the ewes to the old greenhouse for lambing (like every spring). Suddenly Andy is loose and ramming the door of the greenhouse and is enraged at being separated...ramming everything including walls and benches.. I ran to the house to call for help to get him corralled again.. By the time Wil came Andy had broken open the greenhouse door and destroyed the gate inside the greenhouse and had all the ewes back with him in the pasture... It took the better part of the morning to get everyone sorted but he had destroyed part of a fence, 4 gates and two 4x4 posts. Wil helped me with repairs.

Not many people in this country even like lamb and no one I know eats mutton but the Ethiopians here in Spokane do.. They will gladly come and slaughter an older sheep, butcher it and use every bit of it.. So now when I feed him in the morning I remind him I can easily get the phone numbers of the Ethiopians and he'd better behave.


  1. I am in stitches Gerry, and not embroidery! What a hoot! I guess that's why they call them "rams"? When I first saw the title, I thought it was a new singing group! Oh my God I have tears in my eyes, can't quit laughing!

  2. He,he...great story. Yes boys...they can be a bit frisky when separated from their girls.
    I've always admired farmers- a tough life, but I guess a rewarding one.It would never be dull.

  3. LOL!!! I can totally relate. I once had a "pet" sheep named Samson and had the same issues. We finally solved it when my girls (aged about 8 and 10) decided it would be fun to ride Samson. He did NOT like that and after a few rides, he kept his distance. I laughed out loud when I read your blog as it brought back a lot of old memories! Thanx for the laugh.

  4. So funny Gerry, I gues he really likes his women! El Distructo he is.

  5. Oh, Gerry!
    you wouldn't!
    my mum, when forced into a parental corner by sheer childish bloody-mindedness, used to tell me she'd sell me to the gypsies I didn't believe for a moment she really would.
    but just in case, I kept my eye out for them when doing badness!

  6. ewe crack me up! Couldn't Morris handle him?

  7. I'm glad you can see some humor in this, I can identify with the scared part. I have had to deal with a stud horse in the past.(long past) Male animals can be destructive and dangerous. Do be careful! AND carry a big stick!

  8. My husband who grew up on a sheep station found your little story quite hilarious! He grinned and nodded all the way through it. Never trust anything with testicles (on four leggs)!
    It is so wonderful to be featured along side of you Gerry in Pat's magazine! Your crazy quilt work is truely to be admired. Love it!
    Hugs, Suzy
