Button painting tutorial


New buttons painted..

An hour here and there has been devoted to painting buttons to take to CT as we're having a "vendor" night. Since Easter is approaching I thought I'd do some bunnies...and because I'm out ...a few cardinals... I'll get a few loaded on Etsy next weekend and take the rest with me... These are all 1" buttons....

I'm hoping everyone wants to go home with their very own "Gerry Krueger Button"

In addition to the bunnies I finished another series of twelve one-of-a-kind cottages... three of which are shown here... I did add a duck to the pond by the cottage on the left and the tiny birdhouse to the one on the right.. I love doing the cottages... When you see them so large on the screen it's hard to appreciate how small they are. ... 1 1/2"
Occasionally a bottle of paint will fall off my small table while I'm working.. Usually I'm concentrating so hard I don't even notice... But Morris does and scoots off with it to chew the lid off... He still has two red front feet from yesterday...
Special thanks and hugs to those who checked a reaction yesterday... Doing tutorials are very time consuming so matter how small they are so I'm so grateful when someone lets me know they find my efforts useful....


  1. Your buttons are so beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful time in CT.

  2. I better make sure I bring some money in my pocket when I see the buttons that will be for sale. I have one on my new quilt. I was showing a friend yesterday and she saw your button and couldn't believe you actually painted it.



  3. Ohhh how cute & how pretty! Looking forward to adding to my "Gerry" collection!
