Button painting tutorial


There's a mouse in my house doing a happy dance!!

DH keeps the sunflower seeds for his birds in the wood shed... Today when he went to feed birds he discovered a mouse in his seeds.. He decided to dispatch it with a hoe...Since there is no light in the shed he brought the hoe and the can into the kitchen...

As you can probably guess when he put the hoe in the can the mouse ran up the handle and jumped out and ran under the kitchen stove... We are up to our knees in new snow and the temperatures are dropping below zero... I swear I can hear that mouse singing "Oh Happy Day" under the stove.... I just hope it's not pregnant.....


  1. Thanks for the chuckle. Those little fellas like to be warm and fed too. I guess I watched too much Disney. I like 'em better outside, tho.
    Suzie in Idaho

  2. thank you for the good laugh Gerry. You know how to tell a story.
