Button painting tutorial


Being cute only goes so far...............

Morris has been moping around all day whimpering and looking pitiful.... trying to make me forgive him.....not yet anyway... I forgave him when he chewed up DH's cell phone... I forgave him when he chewed up DH's prescription sunglasses..... I even forgave him when he chewed up my favorite slippers... but no cuddles today and he had to nap in the laundry room by himself because...
last night he chewed up my most favorite, my most used, my most loved Carole Samples' template...
On a happier note...we discovered when the dryer died that the dryer plug had melted to the outlet (arrow) and the interior of the outlet was all charred and burned... It was in the older part of the house and ungrounded... Needless to say we've had an electrician out to put things right... The joys of living in a 105 year old house.. It's actually a miracle it hasn't burned down before this...


  1. Awww that poor little face! Is he out of the "dog house" yet?
    I'm glad you found the electrical problem and it's fixed. What a scare!

  2. Morris is a scoundrel just like my "Baby" the outlet looks so scarey glad you had no fire!

  3. Duke and Morris would make a real pair, Gerry! And don't even get me started on the cats and my balls of perle cotton! roflol

  4. Ohhhhhh, bummeroooski on alllll counts Ger!! I "think" you can get another template from Carole directly......or you could make one with some template plastic or milk jug plastic?????? Sure glad you didn't have a fire! PHEW!! Scarey stuff!

  5. Don't back down Mama...he deserves that one...stitching supplies are definitely OFF limits!

  6. As cute as that face is, the little stinker does deserve his time-out. Boy, they really know when they are in trouble, don't they! Sad faces and trying to make up to you.
