Button painting tutorial


Nothing like fresh from the garden......

My neighbor Liz stopped by late afternoon with this beautifully arranged basket of late harvest from her garden... She knew I was having a dinner party tomorrow and what goodies she brought! Besides the large bunches of basil and rosemary there is Swiss chard, purple potatoes, fingerling potatoes, about 20 baby squashes of different varieties, same with the tomatoes and some Italian onions..(They look like giant purple green onions..) Last but not least she added a bunch of nasturtiums and violets I can add to the salad... I'll serve it with the halibut my son sent from Alaska...

She had been there earlier in the afternoon as I was stitching away and offered to untangle two balls of perle that Morris has demolished... When she finished she asked if I had anything else she could sort while we visited.... SILLY QUESTION! I immediately started pulling drawers of lace.... It's only October and if she stops often enough this winter she can sort all my stash and then I'll teach her to crazy quilt...


  1. Don't teach her to CQ until you get all your stuff sorted out. There is no time for anything else once you start CQing.

  2. You're like a spider drawing your friends into your CQ web...it's only a matter of time...did you feed her something good so she'll come back?

  3. If you saute that swiss chard, here's a tip: add a splash of dry, French vermouth to the pan. It will infuse the leaves with a heavenly flavor and scent!
