Button painting tutorial


Update - post #692

First I WAS wearing a helmet... I hit the wall with such force it cracked and punctured the helmet. AND I did have a light... but it is so weird in total darkness and the wobbly light... well the light wasn't wobbly ...my bike riding is which made the light wobbly...... (the tunnel is over a mile long) that I became disorientated.. Without the helmet I'm sure I would be dead.
Anyway the doctor did a CT scan and x-rayed my ribs... I have a concussion and 2 broken ribs and hurt in every part of my body... am going to take a pain pill and go to bed... Oh and on the way home an eighteen-year-old ran a red light and plowed into my husband's truck... Have had better days....


  1. Hi Gerry
    I read both these posts at the same time. Gosh, I am sorry you were hurt so badly,,,,hurt at ALL.
    Stay off bikes from now on, OK?
    xx, Carol

  2. OMG! Get well soon and be safe! Bless your heart!

  3. Good Lord Gerry, I'm sorry this happened, it sounds so painful. I hope you feel better soon and heal in good time. It did convince me though that I need to invest in a helmet.

  4. Oh dear,
    I am sorry you had such a bad spill on your bike. I sure you recover completely...take it easy on that bike!
    My husband rides his bike all the time and I like to accompany him, but since he has hot taken down my bike from the rafters...I can take the hint and feel much safer on my feet or sewing!

  5. I’m so glad everything is (relatively) OK. What do they do for broken ribs? Just let them heal, or do they make you wear some sort of wrap? Anyway, I hope when you read this in the morning you are feeling better. And sorry to hear about the truck too. When it rains.... Hugs, me

  6. Heavens! What a day you had. Sending (((hugs))) and prayers for quick healing.

  7. Get well soon my gosh you have been through the ringer, I hope your husband is o.k. too. I hope you will mend quickly. Hugs,Pearl

  8. Oh dear, definitely not a good day. Feel better soon

  9. My goodness! Hope you are soon feeling better.

  10. So sorry to hear about your accident Gerry. I do hope you get to feeling better. Glad it was not any worse for you though. Your day was a really rough one. Sending big hugs your way for a quick and speedy recovery.

  11. Oh Gee NuMom
    What a sucky day !! I hope you feel better soon

  12. O my goodness Gerry! I was only one days away, yesterday, from the net and you broke almost everything.Wishing you all the best and a ((hug)). Hope it helps a bit.
    Pictures in the new post are great!I imagine you enjoyed the cycling trip until you came in the dark,long tunnel.

  13. Gerry I am so sorry to read of your accident with the bike. I think a 1 mile dark tunnel would do us all in unless you were a very experienced biker.

    I have been seriously thinking of going back to riding (which I haven't done in more years then I care to remember) since my next door neighbour in florida (15 years younger then me) bought a new bike and gave me her old one speed.
    Tried it once last winter and fell off and bruised my ego more then my body. I have thought all summer I would start again but now I read this maybe I better stick to walking.

    Your poor ribs must be so sore not to speak of your head too.

    Let the old guy pamper you all he will.

    Assume he and GD were ok from the truck incident.



  14. Hi Gerry! I have had the same experience that you did riding bikes ...but I hit a concrete trash can in board daylight ....at least you had a good reason. I know you will heal quick and be back in great shape soon .... I can totally relate to your feelings about your pincusions ... I am getting ready for a show and I know I just cringe from people's busy hands ....mMrya

  15. Oh my, sorry to read about the mishap with the 18 yr old too. Hope DH is ok and you weren't injured more.

  16. Wow Gerry. You certainly like to live life dangerously! I'm glad you are going to live, and hope your recuperation is complete now. I hear that stitching is a safer activity, but my daughter disagrees! She just got 7 stitches in her head due to a volleyball injury. (-; A big hug, Connie
