Button painting tutorial


Grand Morning!!

Molly and I had a grand morning... We had our walk, fixed the pasture gates, transplanted daffodils and even moved a rose... But I use the cordless drill in the pasture and when the charge runs down it's a message from my garden good witch to quit...... in fact Molly came straight into the house and jumped on the bed....which is her message that it's time for a nap....

Just a word about daffs tho....The clump on the left is from one daffodil.....the kind of daffodils poets talk about when they mention "fields of daffodils" In catalogs they're sold for naturalizing... They do seed and multiply.. and from one clump I get about 100 bulblets about the size of a green onion.. I can divide them in the spring like this and it may take a couple years but they will all bloom. I have given buckets of them away this spring and I hope to get some moved every day....

In addition I remembered to dig a sucker from my Harison Rose which is in the back of the garden where I never get to see it... This is the wild, once-blooming rose you see on roadsides and abandoned farms across the county... The barn and house have collapsed and the rose survives.... It forms a huge, thorny thicket and is impossible to propagate from cuttings... I went out with pruners and a shovel to dig some suckers but had forgotten how thorny it was... Dug one and will do more tomorrow when I take heavy gloves. I want some closer to the house so I can enjoy them.... Here I come Molly!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you name things. One of my favorite children's books is about a woman who named things...
