Button painting tutorial


You 've Got to Have Hearts

Happy Valentine....
This is my favorite necklace. I started it several years ago and each year around this time of year I add a few more hearts... The red heart on the upper left was my son's from boy scout stuff about 40 years ago.
I'm very superstitious about this necklace and do indeed believe it gives me "heart" and wear it when I need special or extra strength. I'm always watching for hearts in my thrift store trips.......


  1. This is a GREAt idea! Happy Valentine's DAY!

  2. WOW Gerry that is one awesome necklace and thank you for the special Valentine!

    Boy I can see so many charms for many WHOPPER CQing blocks if you change your mind for the necklace. Just lovely.

  3. Happy Valentines Day to you, my friend. I love your necklace - what a great feeling it must give you each time you wear it!

  4. This is a beautiful necklace and a great idea, too. Thank you for sharing.

  5. What a grand idea. I always kept those hearts from childhood days and a few my daughter does not use any loner. Now I think I might borrow your idea, though I do not (yet) have that many hearts to display.
    Thank you for this inspiration and a Happy Valentine !

  6. Whoa that is one cool necklace! I might have to borrow that idea :) Rebecca

  7. I love this idea, beautiful necklace!! Thank you for sharing at Valentine's Day!

  8. Gerry:
    I love your heart charm necklace, it looks like it holds many happy memories. I especially love your son's "Be Prepared" heart.

    Happy Valentine's day, even though it's now 12:03 p.m. It's the thought that counts, though, isn't it? VBG...

  9. Gerry, I love your necklace! I have lots of hearts that I have saved over the years that my sons gave me as they were growing up. They've just been sitting in a jewelry box for years and thanks to you I know know what I can do with them. Beautiful!

  10. Very cool idea, Gerry! I, too, may have to borrow that idea. I love hearts but have never done anything special with them... now I can... sweet!!

  11. Hi NuMom
    I love your necklace! I had the start of one a few years back that was all crosses
    Must be heavy though. LOL
