Button painting tutorial


I'm not overweight, I'm under tall....

My mother's family is tall and lean and athletic... My dad's family was short and round... Guess which genes I got? I've been looking at all the good intentions of everyone for the coming year and I have a few...I buy all my clothes at thrift store and I love dresses and blazers but clothing manufacturers think anyone as ample as I am should be at least 5'9" tall... If I were 5'9" tall my weight would be perfect....well almost perfect.

As it is any dress that fits me around is 6" too long and dusts the tops if my shoes. I was forever saying I am going to shorten this dress or that dress before I wear it again ...and never did.. So last winter I took ALL my dresses (every single one) and cut 6" off the bottom....this would force me to hem them before I wore them...right? Not!!! I hemmed the black dress and had to wear just it for the whole year.

So this year one of my good intentions to shorten at least 6 or 7 of my favorite dresses...

Two posts today...read on!


  1. Love your logic! Just do a quick machine hem and be done. My Mom used to say "They'll never see it on a trotting horse ... so keep moving".

  2. I like that sentiment! A different point of view that I can totally relate to :)

  3. Gerry, too funny. I don"t need to tell you how short I am! Years ago when my youngest son was about 10, I was comlaining about being a little too fat, he tried to cheer me up by saying, "oh mom, your not fat, your just so darn short!" He meant well, and we laugh about it today...Debbie (Maine)
