Button painting tutorial


Gerry's Journal - Hussy Alert!

Actually this resolution started late fall. I'm going to be nicer to my husband. I've turned into a stay-at-home hermit and entirely too focused on my beading, needlework, animals, etc. I may or may not feel like talking, cooking, cleaning or leaving the house depending on what activity I'm engrossed in. So now...

1. He loves day trips and long drives and I used to go along...now he goes by himself. I will make an effort to not only go, but go with enthusiasm.

2. He loves competitive bridge (duplicate) and I used to be his regular partner. ...now he plays with guys... I will now be his partner every Wednesday and in tournaments.

3. And as soon as I get this batch of painting done that has cluttered the table since Xmas, I will keep the table cleared so he has somewhere to eat...

What has prompted all this? Well a couple things...First I look around and almost all my friends are widows and it has got me thinking that I may missing some precious times. Second among all those widows are a couple of hussies. They had started asking him to play bridge...guys are one things but ................... Hussies are always asking his advice and hanging on every word and STANDING TOO CLOSE TO HIM.... I want to grab them by the hair and remind them that I'm not dead yet....

So since he really is a HWCH (handsome, witty, charming husband) and loves me dearly I will try to be nicer...... And when I am dead the hussies can line up around the block with plates of cookies in their hands....but not yet!!!!

p.s. My dictionary actually defines a hussy as a "a brazen or immoral woman who is standing too close to Gerry's husband".


  1. go for it I just wish my husband would go out more. He use to be a pepole person. Look at all the idea you will find on the lond drives. You can do some needlework in the car but look at what you miss by not looking at the places you are going.


  2. oh Gerry, you spoke so close to my heart.. I also am a bit forcused om me and my stuff rather then my hubby and yet he loves me so... but other woman (Hussies) to do like to flirt with him.. One even kind of crossed the line and my husband quit going to that restraunt with the guys.... thanks for reminding me....

  3. Great Post. I like your definition. Yep, there is always someone looking for what you have. But it works both ways..~lol~

  4. OMG..you are so funny! love this post......

  5. Gerry you have struck a chord with me. I find myself doing the same thing and have decided that I too must make an effort to go out more even if it is just to a restaurant for lunch. Thank you - I needed this prod.
    He is playing with the guys up at the club tonight and I will give him an extra hug when he gets home.
    He to is a HWCH - actually his name starts with HW - Harvey William or as you put it Handsome and Witty. He has made me laugh for over 50 years now. He is a keeper.



  6. We would all do well to keep your advice in mind for all the people we love. You never know how long you'll have them.

  7. I LOVED this post! I printed it out and shared it with my husband and we laughed! YOU and I are sisters, my friend. Our kitchen table is full of the latest project...lucky for me that Jim goes off to work every day and isn't retired yet...and I've cleared a space in my sewing room so he will come up there and hang out with me...same with Jack...but I'm afraid I would be on the same road...Hussies be gone!

  8. Jerry, this blog post was a real wake up call for me. My hubby is just like yours, out and about, social and I'm content at home in my garden or stitching. And, yes at his card games there are a ton of eligble widows.
    Thanks much,
    Alice CQI

  9. Gerry
    I wanted to leave a comment on this blog because you are so right. I am a widow (though not5 a hussie) I would not even go out with one of my friends husbands not only do you lose the man you lose the friend.I lost my husband very fast in 2003. Even though I have a man friend no one could ever replace him or no one could give me anything more then a few more days with him. Try to find things that are portable and take them along on those trips try to work one half hour on your project and spend one half hour talking to him. You will never regret it. I enjoy your blog. Do you sell any of your buttons.

  10. Gerry you hit the nail on the head. I find myself doing the same thing and was shaken actually by a friend of mine. take care
