Button painting tutorial


Magpie has begun!

Luckily I could bead and play scrabble at the same time... Officially the BJP does not start until January but I am anxious to use some of what I learned at Robin's class... I'm experimenting with different stitches for feathering but they do not show up all that well with black on black. I started using "fan" stiches on the back and am going to use layered "stack" stitches on the wings. When I finished the tail I will do a little tut.

We have played three games of scrabble and Vivian is ahead by one game....


  1. It looks wonderful so far Gerry. I can see the little spirals(fans) on the back. I bet Robin was a blast to work with.

  2. This is so pretty! Looking forward to the tutorial!

  3. Your magpie looks terrific Gerry. I love it. I'll be on the lookout for that tut. I envy for meeting and being taught by Robin.

  4. I love the way the beads are stitched on the back - what a great idea! I can't wait for the tut! (NO PRESSURE - ROFLOL)
