Button painting tutorial


It's pretty pathetic....

I have a list of service people that I have a close personal relationship with.. My favorite is my plumber Bill. It tooks years and years to find a competent plumber and if I send for him I immediately start baking him something to take home along with salmon from the freezer. When you live in a 104 year old house a good plumber is a godsend...
Next on my list is AAA. I've been a member since I started driving and they've come to my aid sooooo many times... It's pretty pathetic when you shut the motor off but leave the ignition on ALL NIGHT! It's even more pathetic when you live way out in the country and the AAA man can find it because he's been there before for the same thing....

It's always when I'm loading or unloading my car that I do either this or else lock my keys in the car... I started carrying an extra key in my purse and then started to lock both my keys and my purse in the car...I even locked them both in the truck one time. I did try the magnetic key thingy but it keeps disappearing...

Anyway my AAA man (Tows to Go) went home yesterday chuckling and with a loaf of pumpkin bread with cream cheese filling...

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