Button painting tutorial


My new chickens...

Three Ameraucana and one Austrolorp.. I've had an Australorp before and they lay more eggs in a year than any other breed. I've never had Ameraucana before. They're sometimes called Easter Eggers because they lay green and blue eggs. I'm hoping they're as happy to be here as I am as happy to have them... I just adore chickens... It was a joy when I could hear them talking away today.

They're a bit spooky now and only two went to roost last nite so I expect it will take a day or two to settle in..


  1. I have Ameraucana/Araucana crosses that I bought this summer, they havent started laying yet. I have had Ameraucanas before and really enjoyed them, but would love to get my hands on some pure Araucanas, they are really neat looking!

  2. OOOO I like them too! We have had chickens for a long time when we lived in the Netherlands. They are so homemaking. ( I don't know if this is the right word ;)maybe cosy?

  3. Your new hens are just beautiful. I just got 6 day old chicks in late June, 3 araucana and 3 sexlink. They are in the coop now with the other 3 hens, and doing very well. Can't wait to start getting eggs from the little darlings. I love to listen to them talk, especially when I put something in for them that they haven't had before. Suzie in Idaho
