Button painting tutorial


Using computer editing tools

When I look at a block on the computer screen I can see things that I don't see otherwise... I can also use photo editing to see how it would look if I made changes... On the left is an upper section of the block that has a little beads and chain. With a editing tool I can erase it which I like better and then I can use a drawing tool to see if I want to stitch some leave and vines to the roses... I do.

The other area that bothered me was the gold ribbon by these crowns... Used the magic eraser and I do like it better not there.... And I need to add something on the bottom right tatting. Finally I want to add lots of jewels to the heart trail until it a definite arc that anchors the center of the block..... I can do all this in my head but the photo editing tools lets me actually see it and share this process with you!!! Below is the present block on the left and my planned changes on the right....

1 comment:

  1. Wow (and duh on me)! This is such a clever idea. I can use this with my bead embroidery!!! Thanks for posting about it.
