Button painting tutorial


Modifying silkie with photo editing.

About 90% of silkie put on blocks are "framed" with lace, stichery etc., but you can actually use photo-editing to adapt your image to your block....incorporating it right onto your fabric.. Almost all photo editing programs so matter what they are called have similar tools and one of them is an eraser which creates a transparent background... If I wanted to use this little critter on a block it would be difficult to do it seamlessly. So I "erased" the background...

Then I scanned a little square of my fabric into my program and moved the image with the erased background onto the fabric square. Then I can make a silkie of my image. I'll trim around the critter leaving about 1/2 " and lay it on the block and bead, stipple stitch or satin stitch to hid the edges...


  1. I really must try this Gerry but my program will have to prove itself! Thanks, Ruby

  2. Very cool idea Gerry - you have me thinking!

  3. Very good idea, I have to figure that out!
