Button painting tutorial


I remember it well!!!

Yesterday I posted about my poor neglected garden and I was amazed to find a comment left by someone who actually visited the garden in 1999 on the very last day it was open to the public. Nearly 1500 people came through the garden that weekend. When the last person left I locked the gate.. hung a sign "Garden closed to the public. Please respect our privacy." I went into the house, locked that door, pulled the shades, unplugged the phone and collapsed on the couch with the dogs...

On that very same day the Corgi rescue person left a dog crate with 5 year old Maggie in it. She had changed hands 5 times before she got to us... She was grouchy, ill tempered, stubborn, and independantly minded and I adored her immediately. Now at 15 years she is deaf, slow and has doggie dementia but is still stubborn and independant and still adored...

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