Button painting tutorial


Moving Day

This is my dominant ram, Randy Andy and he is now in his glory.... he has his girls.... He's strutting around all day with this stupid expression on his face. The ram responds to the a ewe in heat by sniffing and curling his lip. There's actually a name for this lip curling, the "flehmen response."

Sunday was moving day and it took me most of the afternoon. Sheep hate to be separated but Diamond Jim had to have Andy's daughters in one pasture, Randy Andy had to have the older ewes and Diamond Jim's sisters in another pasture, and the babies had to separated from everyone. It was like one of the games where you have to get all the marbles across the board from one side to the other only by jumping... And I was doing the jumping.....

All the while the rams are trying to get all the ewes pregnant in 15 minutes.... The ewes are wailing and running from the rams, the rams are snorting, sniffing, and drooling, and the babies are crying for their mothers.... When finally done I needed a LARGE gin and tonic......


  1. Thanks Gerry for the reminder from my childhood when my dad bought a ram to get the sheep pregnant.It was always a spectacle, 30 sheep with one ram, it drove him crazy the first days :-))

  2. I can just imagine how exhausted you were. I love looking at your stitchery. So elegant and beautiful.
    Mama Bear
