Button painting tutorial


Cathy's pincushion

The gals at the CQ retreat were entirely too kind and polite. One evening we had a Chinese auction (this game has lots of names) where one person picks a gift and opens it and the next person has the choice of taking a gift from the pile or stealing someone's. We went thru the whole pile and NO ONE stole a gift which what makes the game fun. Since I was last I couldn't just let it go so I stole Debbie's gift, who in turn stole Lauri's gift. Laurie then turned her eye on Cathy's pincushion which she was clutching to her bosom like it was her first-born child. It was with the greatest reluctance she let it go..... and made Laurie walk over and pry it from her.....

Now that I'm home I've gathered these materials to make Cathy another pincushion for being such a good sport.... On the next retreat we will need to have an evil person or two to make this event work like it should.....


  1. NnMom
    Wasn't I evil enough? I did try.
    But I must admit I did try to keep my inner evil self under control...........at least a little

  2. Oh dear Gerry! Those fixin's for the pincushion for me look absolute goooooa-jus!!! Maybe I should thank my "evil sister" Lauri for stealing the black and gold one, ggggg! Nah... this way, everyone's happy! Love and hugs, Cathy

  3. Oh, Gerry!!!
    I love the Cathy and Lauri story!!!!! And, of course, I love the beautiful pincushion that was the temptress in the evil goings on!!!!LOL!!!

    Hmmmm....Do I see some gold Dupioni silk in the pile of treasures that you might take a snippet of for a little silk painting...Grin

