Button painting tutorial


Birds painted on buttons

I'm looking forward the button classes at the retreat. Roses are easy and won't take much time so maybe we can do some mini sessions on some other things like birds and cottages. I did the above buttons for the Encrusted RR and made one for each block I added the photos of the buttons beaded and on the blocks... Roses are done with a formula and once you master it, you can't mess up. But other things like birds require some drawing skills and I'll have to see if I can create a formula for at least one bird.


  1. OMG these are by far the sweetest! I have a thing for bluebirds and a thing for buttons and this combines them both! You are a talent, dear, claim the throne!

  2. I LOVE these sweet bluebirds! Gorgeous!

  3. I have fallen in love with these sweet bluebird buttons! I had seen one on Ati's encrusted spring garden block and just loved it! these (and all your other painted buttons) are just beautiful!

  4. I can't believe I missed the button painting class...these are gorgeous!

  5. Can your painted buttons be purchased??


  6. Wow these are amazing. wonderful work!!!!!!!!
