Button painting tutorial


No Pity Party Allowed.....

When the kids left on Sunday I have to admit that I was exhausted... totally and as I went to bed I was thinking...."I can't do things like this any more! I'm too old!!!  What was I thinking when I planned all that.  The next time someone comes to eat here I'm opening a can of soup...  Would someone even care????  I'm too old.. I'm too old. " and I buried myself under the covers having a pity party....

The very next day I received a 2004 invitation in the mail from a friend.  As much as I love fancy dinner parties I used to love having a "proper" tea party.. usually for 12-20 ladies and usually a couple a year...one for daffodils and another when the roses were in bloom.
Inside it read in part:
You're invited to High Tea
 at Gerry Krueger's
 to celebrate the return
of the daffodils. 
If you have
something yellow, wear it.

My friend found the invitation as she was downsizing and sent it back to me to thank me for  a happy memory.  First I was touched that she had kept the invitation for 14 years and second I was touched she took the time to write a note and send it to me.  So I'm wrong...people do remember and care.  And when I'm dead and gone Sydney will remember the lovely dinner this weekend....  And maybe next spring I should have another daffodil tea....this time for charity and have someone help...!!!!!

The menu was also on the invitation... It would be fun to use it again and simplify it just a bit maybe.... what do you think!!!


  1. You will definitely be well remembered in the memories that you have created. The note from your friend is just what you needed. And let me mention too that you are blessed with friends and family that appreciate you. Many times I think I can't say that about me. No pitty parties!
    xx, Carol

  2. Wow!! You are one amazing lady. So full of imagination, talent and inspiration. You have most definitely created a lasting memory for your dear granddaughter and no doubt many others. Take care ... Helen

  3. Sometimes the universe just aligns to give us a much-needed boost and I think that's what has happened in this case....so lovely of your friend to remind you that you are appreciated. Love the idea of a repeat menu - but you are smart to seek help to create it.

  4. I so appreciate all of the times we have been together and your efforts in creating the event from the simplist to the most complicated. I would help you with a daffodil tea, but it would have to e simplified. That was a phenomenal menu. Maybe have each guest make and bring 1 recipe. Just setting it up would take some doing. You never cease to amaze me.

  5. Pintangle sent me ... and she doesn't know that I love love love buttons!

    But, getting back to your daffodil party - back on Long Island, my sewing hand hurt for about one year because I planted 1,000 daffodil bulbs ... alas, left to go it alone (with the children) so never got to see these floral gems bloom.

  6. You are amazing! I can’t imagine cooking all the items on that menu without a small army of sous-chefs. You have been blessed with wonderful abilities to sew, embroider, paint, cook to name just a few and you can’t help but share them and everyone you touch will remember!

  7. Wish we were on the same coast Gerry,,,, Love what you do....LOVE What you share.... we will always be talking, sharing, gathering info, with you in our midst.. Thanks for being YOU!!
    Big Hugs, Kathy KELLY..NJ
