Button painting tutorial


Lost is found and table finished.

Finally in my cleaning out and sorting my jewelry supplies the lost pendant I bought from a street vendor in Germany this spring surfaced....much to my delight.

I definitely have a "style"  and it is jewelry with some substance.  I'm just not a delicate type of person... I love one-of-a-kind and so prefer to make it myself.  And I adore colorful jewelry...  So this pendant spoke to my heart.

I have all the beads strung and will do the final assembly today.  And as a bonus it has a story.  The pendant is from our anniversary trip to Germany last April, the yellow beads are raw topaz I bought in a tiny shop in Seaside Oregon last fall, the red glass beads are from a trip to CA to see Susie W., I bought the blue beads on Etsy and they are recycled glass beads from Africa and last but not least ALL the metal beads are from one necklace I bought at a thrift store for a little over $3...years ago.

I did finish the "pansy" necklace  before I found the pendant.  This brooch was worn by my late mother-in-law  Mary Krueger whom I adored so it has special memories as well.

Now that everything is dug out and sorted I might as well keep going and do several before I put everything away.  My friend Kathy LeFrancis came over one morning  and showed me some of the finer details in finishing with crimps, wire guards, etc and I didn't even remember I had an  actual crimping tool..

And I did finish the table last weekend.  It is fanciful and fun but I have to admit that it qualifies as "primitive" artwork.  There was no way I could position the table, lights, brush, and magnifying glasses in a way I could actually see what I was doing... But even a little rough around the edges, it too suits my taste... one-of-a-kind and colorful... a definite statement in my living room..


  1. so good to read you found the pendant and what a lovely necklace you have made with it, 2
    lovely jewellery makes. As for the table I am so envious it is a real work of art looks amazing and sure to be admired by all who see it

  2. Love ❤️ your table! It's fabulous! Your jewelry creations are pretty special too. You are one talented lady!

  3. So happy that the lost was found and I do love both your jewelry creations. I have to say though that the table is amazing and I would love something similar if only I had the space.

  4. The jewelry and table are superb. You have inspired me to finishe three painted furniture pieces. Just needed this push. Thank you, Jan

  5. The table and jewelry are all BEAUTIFUL!

  6. Gerry you are such an inspiration for people. Even with your eyesight problems you continue to do such great things. Your table looks great and if there are any imperfections I can't see them.

    Hugs FredaB

  7. Super Necklace and Table! Congratulations!

  8. Yowser! Three beautiful pieces of art!
