Button painting tutorial


Stencils and bird feeder

After I did the blog on funky furniture Shirlee Fassell sent me this photo of a table she painted a while back.  It is almost the exact same style as the one I've chosen to paint...  I'm anxious to start mine but it will be a couple weeks down the road and there are just so many things that HAVE to be done and just when I think I'm catching up, something else happens to rise to the top of the list.  Today the frame rotted out on the chicken house door and it collapsed.. It was old when we bought the place 37 years ago so I shouldn't be surprised...but it just wasn't on my list for this week and it will take most of the day tomorrow to repair it.

But while I'm working I can still think about funky furniture.  I have always wanted to try something like this which is all  done with stencils.  I used a few stencils on my door and other things but it was hard to find some on this small scale.

But I did find some at this Etsy site:  Iris Mishly and ordered them... They said allow up to 28 days for delivery because they came from Israel but they were here in less than a week.  They had a lot to choose from and I chose mostly borders..  I want to use some on my table... There were so many that it was hard to choose.  Most of her stuff is for using polymer clay but the stencil selection is  delightful...

Most of last Friday was devoted to rebuilding DH's favorite bird feeder which was looking like this.  If you followed last winter you will remember the wild turkeys trying to get the seed put out for the songbirds.  Saturday was DH's 83rd birthday and I wanted to surprise him.

So using wood from the old barn and lots and lots of screws it ended up like this and hopefully stand up to the turkeys this winter.  Every part   was reinforced heavily.


  1. wow the table and the cabinet are lovely and will inspire you to make yours beautiful too. Shame you are not local my bird table needs repairing to, tried to put a new table top bit in but it just curls up in the sun and the bread and bird food falls off!

  2. We have a lot of things going to the top of OUR list too. But I have decided that as long as something gets done, its a good day.

    xx, Carol

  3. You have been busy. I've been so busy I haven't even had time to check the few blogs that I read. Hopefully things will be a little quieter - at least for a week or so until the grands come for a visit. I can hardly wait to see your table finished. Inspires me to try something on the one I have under my sewing table.

  4. Suprised to see my table come up in the blogger reader! Mine is pretty simple compared to what you are imagining. Can't wait to see it.

  5. Looking forward to seeing the results of your painting, but have to say the first thing I thought of when I saw the stencils was how they'd make great patterns for embroidery.
