Button painting tutorial


Finished blocks that hang, sit on a stand and travel.

This large tote has a dozen finished blocks and easily could hold another six... It is stored in a closet at home but can be taken out at a moment's notice to display the blocks.... The following information is from a post from a year ago but really should be a tutorial.
I always have trouble explaining what I do so I hope this makes sense. It seems the easier things are the harder they are to explain... So any input would be appreciated so I can finalize this as a tutorial.
Using the heavy pellon was Jo Newsham's idea and she wrote about it in the CQMag online. To read her approach http://www.cqmagonline.com/vol07iss04/articles/848/index.shtml But I wanted mine to have trim around it and be able to hang or sit on a stand so I made some modifications. The most important thing to me was that the blocks looked nice and traveled easily..

I measure the area of the block that I want to trim. I mark that on the heavy pellon and add 3/4" for the trim... Then I put the block face DOWN on a heavy blanket so the embellishments won't be crushed. I put the pellon adhesive side down on the block, lining up and pinning the corners. Then I cover it with a damp cloth and press slowly until the pellon is firmly adhered to the back of the block. I trim off any excess fabric up to the edge of the pellon. Then I sew a piece of 3" bias strip down each side. press it back and sew a 3" bias piece across the top and bottom.... And end up with what is above right...
Then I turn it over and put a strip of Heat and Bond on the backs of the bias strip. I pull the strips firmly against the edge of the pellon and when I turn it over I have what you see on the right. I tuck under the corners and finish them by hand...

Then as finishing touches I added a strip of gold cording on the inside of the trim. I secured the tassels with loops with a button so if I have to hang the block it can be done with pearl-headed pins so it hangs nicely.. or I can just display it on a stand.
I bought a bunch of these tall stands at the dollar store which are lightweight and fold neatly..


  1. what a great tutorial Gerry. The only question that I have is: do you put a cloth backing on these or just the frame?

  2. Thanks Gerry! I've bookmarked this for future reference, as I have projects I'll be using this on!

  3. WOW!!! I LOVE your Spanish lady. She is absolutely gorgeous!!

    Lacombe, AB

  4. Gerry
    thank you so very much- this is such a brilliant idea and has given me more thoughts on how to finish off my blocks I have lying around here
    I totally love all the blocks you displayed here- but the idea of how to mout them is a great tute!!
    love n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxo

  5. I am definitely going to try this! I loved these when I saw them at retreat several years back.
