Button painting tutorial


My pincushion hangups... post # 694

Well I read through all the comments and decided on doing two prizes for my 700th post.. I'll post the sign-up day as soon as I photograph the prizes... One will be a pincushion and the second will be a selection of bird buttons.... I will do the rose giveaway in the spring for those interested... These are pincushions that were sold so I will have to see what I have...I'm trying to put some on Etsy also...

I did sell them on a website for a while but I hated the packing and shipping... Once I took them to an art fair and arranged them all on lace tableclothes... They were gorgeous... Even though the table was littered with signs saying "DO NOT TOUCH!!!!" ...guess what...? After all that work I wanted to check everyone's hands to see if they were clean... Then there are cushions I get attached to because it's a special jewel or fabric... Then if some bitchy person wanted to buy it I would snatch it back and say it was spoken for... I wanted only nice people to have my pincushions...

Occasionally I get to do one for a bride with her dress fabric and that is extra special fun. I've used veil fabric, dress fabric and even did one that had the bride's garter as trim..... All have a vintage locket attached as well as layers and layers of trims..

The inspiration for my pincushions that "rise above it all" came from this ad years and years ago in the old Victoria magazine before it went defunct and came back to life... My pincushions were constantly lost amid sewing clutter and I thought this was a great idea and set to work making just like I wanted it. I ended up having the wooden inner core especially cut and all the fabric is lined... I did intend to sell them but more and more I just wanted a whole wall of them.... I will try the Esty venture but people will have to promise to wash their hands before handling their cushion and also to be a very kind person indeed......


  1. The cushions are gorgeous. But I had to tell you my heart STOPPED when I read...Bird Buttons...I have already started to tell the Universe how badly I want them!!

    I know what you mean about selling precious items and not wanting people to touch, or their KIDS!!

    I have never seen pincusions like yours!

  2. Can't wait! Would love to own one of yours but wish to make one too!!

  3. Wow! So unique and so beautiful!!

  4. I promise I'll wash my hands if I win a pincushion (grin). Yikes, and you want me to be nice too.... They are so gorgeous I'll give it a go. My pincushion is always lost amidst the "stuff" on the sewing table so a tall one would be perfect.

  5. Oh, my after reading this post I can tell I am going to enjoy following you. I do craft shows as well and have similar feelings about some of the clientelle. My favorite is the kid with a sucker in his mouth drooling sugar syrup everywhere, while the Mother stands in the middle of the booth gabbing on her cell phone obilivious to all that is going on.

  6. Sus alfileteros son muy bonitos, en lo personal lo tendría de adorno, nunca le clavaría un alfiler o aguja.

  7. Every piece is just lovely. I too would want a "nice person" to own it. :)
